Testa färger On-the-Fly
Jag har hittat en sida på Internet som låter er göra ändringar till text- och bakgrundsfärg via Javascript och se resultatet direkt på hemsidan. Då är det mycket enklare för er när ni designar en sida men inte har tid att uppdatera (eller ladda upp till FTP) om och om igen.
Länken till online-text-bakgrund-färg-ändring är här
2 kommentarer:
Ok, very strange comment. Am I supposed to answer this or is it just a robot-spam? I'm sorry if you asked a real question but it doesn't look like a question to me.
If you want an answer, please send a reply to this comment.
My answers:
- My SEO experience is not so very much but I've read about important things you need to think about when writing and publishing content on my webpages. E.g don't use specific keywords all over the page. Try to atleast put an important keyword within the first 20 characters in an article or webpage. Try to do the same at the bottom. If a keyword is commonly used in the text then be sure to use very descriptive text near it.
- I use this blog as a place where I put IT-related articles from different areas of interest. So therefore I've tried to optimize this blog for a search engine (Google, ...) as much as I can and have time to.
- I've done a few "freelance" (creating websystems and webpages) jobs but it's hard when I study at the same time.
- I personally think that too many webpages and web-spam-companies puts too much crap and bogus information on the Internet just to get a high pagerank. Make it simple - create simple - work simple - earn "trust".
- I cannot specify this as I'm currently reading about almost everything in the IT-world.
- My simple answer is no!
- I do all my SEO manually. Then you're not affected if the tool or software you use gets broken.
- I have a very big knowledge database with information just waiting to be published on the web. I use this to update my pages almost everyday with relative information. So I can say that I'm good at writing related content (if it's just within my interest). I don't know what my weak spot so I think I'm normal (know little about this and that).
- Content and not just using a bunch of relative keywords. The need a context. Try to get more readers/visitors to your webpage (or blog) to make more hits and thus get higher in the pageranks. Also try to show relative links to other websites (but not too many).
- No I have not. It's alot easier if I try to make a statement about one of my own webpages but so far I havn't created that many because of limited time.
That's what I had to say to you.
Have a nice day!
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